Why is Picture Your Divorce Needed? -- Free

Why is Picture Your Divorce Needed? -- Free
Item# 010A

Divorce Aid to Help You See Clearly to Decide Right

This article from Picture Your Divorce Ebook is a free download. This article reports how too many people in divorce:

.....Jump Into Divorce Too Quickly -- Before Seeing Whether They Can & Should Save Their Marriage -- & Then Regret It

.....Fail to Discover All of Their Divorce Options

.....Fail to Preview or Picture their Potential Divorce Consequences

.....Fail to Control Their Anger & Emotions -- Preventing Them From Acting in Their Own Best Interest

.....Suffer Needlessly as a Result

.....Suffer Regret -- a Most Painful Memory -- & Bad Consequences -- for a Long Time

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----------- Article Sample Excerpt to see if you want to know -- and see -- more:

For over 25 years, I’ve also had the repeated experience of potential clients coming to me after their divorce, when they had been represented by someone else in their divorce, & then telling me they suffered from problems they needed my help to fix. Often, in the context of my asking how their divorce result or problem arose, they’ve asked themselves:

------------ “Why didn’t I……………………………………………….(do the right thing)?”

------------ “Why did I……………………………………………….…(do the wrong thing)?”

Almost invariably, they answered “I don’t know.” “I wish I knew.” “I didn’t or couldn’t see clearly.”

Or, if they didn’t think of the questions themselves, I almost always saw that to help them I needed to ask them:

------------ Why didn’t you…………………………………………...(do the right thing)?

------------ Why did you……………………………………………...(do the wrong thing)?

Almost invariably, they answered “I don’t know.” “I wish I knew.” “I didn’t or couldn’t see clearly.” _____________________________________________________________________________

-----*2013 Global Ebook Awards Bronze Medal Winner: Relationships/Sexuality

* www.www.http://globalebookawards.com/2013-global-ebook-awards-winners/


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