-------- What are People Saying about Picture Your Divorce™ -- created by Terry McNiff?

-------- Excerpts (for full text, see http://mcnifflaw.com/testimonials_-_full_text):

-----*2013 Global Ebook Awards Bronze Medal Winner: Relationships/Sexuality

* www.www.http://globalebookawards.com/2013-global-ebook-awards-winners/ ___________________________________________________________

This is excellent material. As Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents I'd like to share this video with my members and colleagues. Would also like to interview you for International Child-Centered Divorce Month in January.

-----Rosalind Sedacca, Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network ___________________________________________________________

Thanks, Terry for your innovative, insightful work! Parents need to SEE what a custody evaluation really means for them and even more importantly, for their children.

-----Larry Sarezky, Esq., Writer, Director: "Talk to Strangers", http://ChildCustodyFilm.com ___________________________________________________________

1. "...a wise, humane, and hopeful blueprint for conducting ALL relationships, including those which pass through divorce...."

-----Peter G., a grateful, articulate Picture Your Divorce reader ___________________________________________________________

2. "The epic results are in for the USA "Best Books 2011" Awards!

Your book has been honored as a "Finalist" in the "Parenting/Family: Divorce" category

-----Jeffrey Keen, President & CEO, USABookNews.com" ___________________________________________________________

3. "Congratulations!

Picture Your Divorce by Terry McNiff has been selected the FINALIST of the 2011 Indie Excellence Award in the category of Divorce.

------Ellen Reid, CEO, National Indie Excellence Awards "A Commitment to Excellence" " * www.www.indieexcellence.com/indie-results-2011.htm ___________________________________________________________

4. “Picture Your Divorce -- the Book is a must read for anyone thinking about or going through a divorce....Information you need that most attorneys won't give you."

-----Karen A. Rhyne, Esq., attorney since 1985, Board Certified Family Law Specialist since 1991; Adjunct Professor, Family Law UC Irvine Extension 1992 to 2005. See www.michel-rhyne.com


------------- Our Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact us. We want to hear from you if you have any suggestions, feedback, complaints, or anything else you believe may help us improve our service to and for divorcing families. Thanks.

By standard mail: Picture Your Divorce, JP Reammard Publishing, 1895 Avenida Del Oro, #4422, Oceanside, California, 92056

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Shipping Information: All orders except "Picture Your Divorce--the Paper Version" are completed immediately via download. All orders for "Picture Your Divorce--the Paper Version" will be filled within 1 week, often less.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Picture Your Divorce is happy to answer -- by email only -- any questions about the status of your order for "Picture Your Divorce--the Book". For more information about Terry McNiff, the creator & author of Picture Your Divorce, or us, please see the experience and education details below, and feel free to visit www.mcnifflaw.com

* www.www.indieexcellence.com/indie-results-2011.htm

** www.www.usabooknews.com/bestbooks2012awards/bestbooks2011results.html


--------- Information About Terry McNiff, the Creator of Picture Your Divorce:

Attorney & Counselor at Law since 1983. 380 S. Melrose Drive, Suite 341, Vista, CA 92081 760-643-4100 (phone); tmcniff@att.net (email); Websites: mcnifflaw.com; pictureyourdivorce.com

Certified as a Specialist in Family Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization since 1994

Author of “Picture Your Divorce: See How You Can Make the Right Divorce Decisions”, * 2011 National Indie Excellence® Award Finalist for “Divorce” * USA Book News® Best Books of 2011 Award Finalist for “Parenting/Family: Divorce” “Information You Need that Most Attorneys Won’t Give You” According to another Leading Divorce Lawyer http://pictureyourdivorce.com/info.html

Creator of the Attorney Selector ScoreCard

Legal Education: University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Juris Doctor degree, 1983


Professional Legal Experience:

Goldman & Kagon, Los Angeles, CA, 1982--2007: Associate 1983--1990; Partner in charge of Family Law & Litigation, 1990—2007

Mentored by A. David Kagon, the winning lawyer in the original Marvin case, Marvin v. Marvin, and another successful Marvin-type case also won on appeal, Bergen v. Wood

Mentored by the Honorable Paul Gutman, one of the Best Divorce Lawyers in Los Angeles, California, before he became a successful, highly-regarded Superior Court Judge

Law Office of Daniel V. Burke, CFLS, Carlsbad, CA, April, 2004--October, 2009, Of Counsel

Law Office of Terry McNiff, October, 2009--Present ___________________________________________________________

Additional Special Recognition Beyond Service Below:

SuperLawyer® for San Diego, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, Southern California 2006

Appointed by Los Angeles County Bar Family Law Chair to Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Family Law Policy; Quoted in Los Angeles Business Journal

Court Services:

Arbitrator, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judicial Arbitration Program, 1993-2004; Arbitrator, Los Angeles County Fee Arbitration Program, 1994-2004; Judge Pro Tem, Los Angeles County Municipal Court (after merger, Superior Court), 1994-2004; Mediator, Los Angeles County Superior Court Family Law Department 2, 2002-2004

Leadership & Educational Activities, Writing, Teaching & Speaking:

Bar Association Activities (in addition to Writing, Teaching, Speaking, Educating): Chair, State Bar of California Family Law Section Support South Committee, 1995-1997 (Vice-Chair, 1993-1995; Member, 1989-2001)

Chair North San Diego County Bar Association Certified Family Law Specialists, 2011-2012 (Chair-Elect 2009-2010; Member 2004-2010) Member of American, Los Angeles, & San Diego Bar Associations, Family Law Section


Writing – in addition to Picture Your Divorce:

Author (Co-Author with A. David Kagon in the early years, sole author thereafter), “Family Law Techniques and Trial Tips”, in Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section Symposium Reference Book, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 editions – in response to the Bar’s annual request

Co-Author with Daniel V. Burke, “Ethics for the Family Law Lawyer” for California State Bar Annual Meeting in Anaheim, September 30, 2007

Author, Analysis of Financial Considerations” for National Business Institute reference book Family Law in California, 2004

Author, “Ethics in Family Law” for National Business Institute reference book Family Law in California, 2004

Co-Author with Daniel V. Burke, Custody Trial Preparation & Presentation reference book for Key to the Courthouse Series

Co-Author with Daniel V. Burke, “Custody Trial Preparation & Presentation” for San Diego County Certified Family Law Specialists, December 14, 2002

Co-Author with Daniel V. Burke, “Custody Trial Preparation & Presentation with Checklists” for California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Monterey, October 12, 2002

Co-Author with Daniel V. Burke, “The Custody Trial”, for the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Institute of Trial Advocacy, in Los Angeles, January 19, 2002

Co-Author (with Jared Laskin), “Marvin Issues in Marital Dissolutions”, for palimony.com

Co-Author, “Recent Developments in Family Law” for California State Bar Section Education Institute in San Diego, November 14, 1997

Author, “Support and the Self-Employed Individual” for California State Bar Annual Meeting in San Diego September 13, 1997

Author, “Maximizing Support Results” for California State Bar Section Education Institute in Rancho Mirage November 10, 1996

Author, “Maximizing Support Results: Insider Tips From the Bench & Bar” for California State Bar Annual Meeting in Long Beach October 12, 1996

Author, “Maximizing Support Results” for California State Bar Section Education Institute in San Diego December 1, 1995

Co-Author (with Jared Laskin), “Marvin Claims”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section Reference Book 1995

Co-Author, “A Better Way to Pass Family Law Legislation”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section Family Law News and Review, Spring, 1994; Author, “Settling or Resolving Difficult Issues”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Symposium Practice Pointers, 1993; Author, “Practice Pointers: Basic Information to Potential Clients”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Symposium Practice Pointers, 1992; Author, “Practice Pointers on Taking More Effective Depositions”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Symposium Practice Pointers, 1991


Teaching & Speaking with & to Lawyers & Judges:

Speaker with Daniel V. Burke & Honorable Earl H. Maas III, “Ethics for the Family Law Lawyer” for California State Bar Annual Meeting in Anaheim, September 30, 2007

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable William J. Howatt, Jr., Honorable Robert P. Dahlquist, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in San Diego, September 10, 2005

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Michael Naughton, Honorable Gale Hickman, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Monterey, October 9, 2004

Speaker, “Family Law in California”, “Ethics in Family Law”, & “Analysis of Financial Considerations” for National Business Institute program in Pasadena, July 12, 2004

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Michael Naughton, Honorable Gale Hickman, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Anaheim, September 6, 2003

Speaker, Program Organizer with Daniel V. Burke, “Custody Trial Preparation & Presentation”, San Diego County Certified Family Law Specialists Program, San Diego, December 14, 2002

Speaker, Program Organizer with Daniel V. Burke, CFLS, AAML, “Custody Trial Preparation & Presentation with Checklists” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Monterey, October 12, 2002

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Garry T. Ichikawa, Honorable Gale Hickman,, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Monterey, October 12, 2002

Moderator and Speaker, “The Custody Trial” at American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Institute of Trial Advocacy in Santa Monica, January 19, 2002

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Michael L. Michel, Esq., CFLS, and Justice William Bedsworth, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting Program in Anaheim, September 8, 2001

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett C. Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable James H. Libbey, Honorable Stephen Dombrink, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Section Education Institute Program in Oakland, January 20, 2001

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Gerald C. Jessop, Daniel V. Burke, Esq., CFLS, AAML, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting in San Diego, September 16, 2000

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Justice Patricia Bamattre-Manoukian, Honorable Margaret Johnson, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at State Bar Education Institute Program in Monterey, June 4, 2000

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Etta Gillivan, Honorable Richard Montes, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting in Long Beach, October 2, 1999

Speaker, “Winning Support Cases: Successful Strategies, Techniques, & Demonstration” at California State Bar Section Education Institute in San Diego, December 5, 1998

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Garrett Dailey, Esq., CFLS, Honorable Mary Ann Grilli, Honorable Paul Gutman, “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Annual Meeting in Monterey, October 3, 1998

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Honorable Marguerite L. Wagner, Supervising Judge, Honorable Paul Gutman, Supervising Judge, Daniel V. Burke, Esq., CFLS, Steven Reiss, C.P.A., “Support and the Self-Employed Individual” at California State Bar Annual Meeting in San Diego September 13, 1997

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker with Honorable Thomas Ashworth III, Honorable Etta O. Gillivan, Melbourne N. Gwin, Jr., Esq., “Recent Developments in Family Law” at California State Bar Section Education Institute in San Diego November 14, 1997

Speaker, “Recent Developments: Proposed Child Support and Spousal Support Legislation”, South Bay Bar Association Family Law Section Program,Torrance, June 19, 1997

Speaker, “Maximizing Support Results” at California State Bar Section Education Institute in Rancho Mirage November 10, 1996

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker, “Maximizing Support Results” with Honorable Paul Gutman, Honorable Marguerite Wagner, Daniel V. Burke, CFLS, at California State Bar Annual Meeting in Long Beach October 12, 1996

Program Organizer, Moderator, & Speaker, “Maximizing Support Results” at California State Bar Section Education Institute in San Diego December 1, 1995

Speaker, “Practice Pointers: Basic Information to Potential Clients”, Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Symposium May 9, 1992 _______________________________________________________

......2011 National Indie Excellence® Award Finalist for Divorce * and

......2011 USA Book News® Award Finalist-Parenting/Family: Divorce**

* www.www.indieexcellence.com/indie-results-2011.htm

-----*2013 Global Ebook Awards Bronze Medal Winner: Relationships/Sexuality

* www.www.http://globalebookawards.com/2013-global-ebook-awards-winners/


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