Picture Your Divorce E-Book

Picture Your Divorce E-Book
Item# 004a

Divorce Aid to Help You See Clearly to Decide Right

-----*2013 Global Ebook Awards Bronze Medal Winner: Relationships/Sexuality

2011 National Indie Excellence® Awards Finalist for Divorce *

USA Book News® Best Books of 2011 Award Finalist for Parenting/Family: Divorce **

Picture Your Divorce: See How You Can Make the Right Decisions -- the E-Book -- gives You Pictures of the Key Issues & Decisions You Face in Divorce.

See the Choices & Consequences of Your Potential Divorce Decisions from A to Z.

You can use Picture Your Divorce to decide If You want a divorce, & if so, How You want to divorce ... What You Should Do ... What You Can Do ... What You Should Not Do ...

[Picture Your Divorce -- the E-Version is downloadable immediately in pdf by selecting the download shipping method in the Order form under Shipping. You will need the free Adobe® Reader or something comparable to read the pdf. Please make sure you save the E-Version to your device or computer when you download immediately after payment, because the Download Button Only Works 1 Time to protect the author's copyright.]


For more complete information about Why Picture Your Divorce -- please see:

-------- Why Pictures Free Article under the Privacy & Why Pictures Tab

-------- The 3 Free Articles Explaining:

Why Picture Your Divorce is Needed

Why Almost Everyone Decides Badly in the Crisis of Divorce

Why Picturing Your Divorce Issues, Choices & Effects Works


-----*2013 Global Ebook Awards Bronze Medal Winner: Relationships/Sexuality

* www.www.http://globalebookawards.com/2013-global-ebook-awards-winners/


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